Throughout my PhD, i had the opportunity to teach on a broad spectrum of subjects:- Outils d'optimisation pour les sciences des données et de la décision (TD) Taught to second year master students. Content of the course includes: convex optimization, gradient descent, stochastic gradient descent, ...
- Algorithmique et programmation 3 (TD and TP) Aimed at second year bachelor students, these courses focus on finding the fastest algorithms to solve a given problem.
- Fondements du Machine Learning (TD) Aimed at third year bachelor students, these courses teaches the basics of machine learning: singular value decomposition (SVD), principal component analysis (PCA), ...
- Machine Learning et applications (TP) Aimed at Master students, the purpose of this course is to learn how to code basic Machine learning algorithms (k-NN, ...) using Python.
- Pré-rentrée Calcul (CM,TD) Aimed at first year bachelor students. The content of the course includes: chain rule, basic properties of integration, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, binomial coefficients, ...
- Analyse de données (TD) Aimed at third year bachelor students to make them learn the basics of statistics analysis.
Programming language: Python.